As Australia’s favourite gay rave, POOF DOOF has spent the last six years proudly servicing the dance floor with a cheeky sense of humour and progressive soundscapes. In 2017 we want to make an even bigger noise on the streets of Melbourne and let not only our queer community, but our great city know that POOF DOOF SUPPORTS THE EQUALITY CAMPAIGN!
We will not sit back any longer while our right to marry who we love is vehemently dismissed by our elected representatives. We believe the ‘Greatest Doof of All’ is the bond of marriage and we want to work with our community to educate and lobby for our right to be seen as equal under the eyes of the law alongside the rest of Australia.
Ensuring equality for all Doofers will be a tough battle, but we at POOF DOOF are fiercely proud to say we are in the arena and are ready to fight to ‘put a ring on it’!
$1.00 per Doofer who comes along to show their support on 22nd July will be donated to The Equality Campaign.